Massage with a Nap or Quiet Reflection After
Have you ever wished that you could just stay for a while on the table after your massage? Whether to nap or just enjoy the quiet with your new stress free body before returning to the real world? Now you can! Enjoy a 60 or 90 minute massage with 20 minutes to yourself after your session. Choose to nap, enjoy the ambiance of music, or even meditate with a guided meditation over the surround sound. This is a great way to maximize the affects of your session. *****Disclaimer: This is an issue across the Massage Industry so I'm mentioning it unfortunately so there are no surprises - This is not a time to indulge in masterbation after a massage. In the event this is found to have happened, you will be terminated as a client and your card on file will be charged for the session total and new linens.