Massage Enhanced with Hot Stones
By selecting this service you are guaranteed the use of hot stones throughout the massage on areas you would like enhanced relaxation. Reasons why the use of hot stones can be so impactful. 1. It’s comforting and relaxing Think of the pleasure of being made warm by a fireside on a chilly day and you’ll understand why the heat of the hot stones is so comforting and relaxing. It’s like being deeply embraced, right into your soul. It just feels like you’re ‘home’. 2. The heat aids depth With the hot stones, one of the major benefits is that the heat from the stones penetrates your body, bringing many of the benefits of massage at a deeper level. It allows intense muscle relaxation which enables the massage therapist to actually work very deeply, without the same pressure that they would need to apply in a deep tissue massage. 3. Relief from tension and pain Heat is a well-known natural pain reliever. If tension is behind an ache or pain, then heat can be enormously effective at relieving the tension and thus easing the pain. This is believed to be because when heat is applied to an area, the blood flow to that region increases. It can help alleviate spasms and enable a joint or muscles to be gently flexed and regain movement and mobility. 4. Relief from stress and anxiety Massage, including hot stone massage, has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. It’s actually fascinating to learn why this is. Lots of processes are stimulated by massage. Endorphins and other feel-good hormones are released which reduce stress and anxiety. At the same time, the ‘stress’ hormones, such as norepinephrine and cortisol, are lowered. 5. Aids sleep Just one of the huge benefits of having a hot stone massage at home is that it will help ease you into deeper restful and restorative sleep. Indeed, one study has shown that massage is particularly beneficial for easing insomnia in postmenopausal women. More research needs to be done on the benefits of hot stone massage and sleep, but it certainly seems to promote good sleep in everyone we know! 6. Immune boosting Many of the techniques used in a Swedish massage are also used in hot stone massage. Quite remarkably, Swedish massage has been shown to positively impact your immune system, even after just one session. Knowing that you can boost your immunity simply by being pampered and massaged is wonderful to know! 7. Managing chronic pain For those with chronic pain conditions, such as Fibromyalgia, massage has been shown to bring tangible positive effects. The science shows that this is due to the lower levels of substance P, which is how the body partly transmits pain signals. Other research has shown that people with painful Rheumatoid Arthritis have also experienced less pain. 8. Self-healing Whether it’s due to the balance of energy flow, or some other lesser understood process in the body and mind, a hot stone massage can restore balance and many feel it helps with self-healing.